The seven point mind training
with Acharya Lama Drime Dawa

The seven point mind training
with Acharya Lama Drime Dawa
This text shows how we can organise our lives intelligently and with compassion.
- The preparation for the mind training
- The practice of the enlightened mind
- How to deal with difficult situations on the way to enlightenment
- The everyday life in terms of the mind training
- Judging from the success in the mind training
- The commitments on the way
- The principles of mind training
Acharya Lama Drime Dawa
Lama Drime Dawa is resident lama at TTC Hamburg since 2009. He was born in Bhutan in 1973. From 1991-2000 he studied Buddhist philosophy, rituals and English at the Shri Nalanda University in Rumtek, Sikkim, India. He completed his studies with the title of Acharya. From 2003-2007 he completed a traditional three-year retreat under the guidance of Bokar Rinpoche in Mirik, Darjeeling, India. Afterwards he was secretary in the monastery administration of Rumtek.
Public talk
2024-08-30, 7:30 p.m.
2024-08-31, 10:00 a.m. to
2024-09-01, 5 p.m.
Course fees
119,50 €
Double room:
124,00 €
Single room:
132,00 €
These prices are all inclusive. Personal donations may be given to the teachers.